Schattenbaum Summer Tour

Schattenbaum Summer Tour: the Lobster Run

Our annual favorite, the Lobster Run, was another success! The event sold out, and this year, thanks to Rob and Kim Lerman, we had two tour groups again.

The south group was rather large, but we all arrived at Bar Anticipation in time for a delicious lunch! A massive downpour close to the shore didn’t dampen our spirits and once at the restaurant, guests enjoyed a drink on the club with their choice of entrees and a good time was had by all!

If you missed this fun event, it will be held again next year, make sure to sign up early. Thanks to all who participated, it’s the people that make our social events fun and entertaining!

Our next social will be the annual Oktoberfest, details will follow. And don’t miss out on the “big” one, the Holiday Banquet on December 2nd, a great way to close out a year that was filled with many great activities, hope to see you all soon!