Author Archives: bcoulter

Gala Holiday Banquet


Holiday Gala Banquet PayPal Payment:

Member and Guest Names;:

Monthly Meeting September

Our September Monthly Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 19, 2018. 

Our guest speaker for this monthly meeting will be a representative from Schaeffer Oils.

Schaeffer Oil is an upcoming lubricant company here in the US. They are making high standard oils competing with the best oils on the market. He will discuss all the different oils and lubes available for our cars as well as a display on how they work. We will also discuss broken parts. What parts are more prone to brake on your car under different circumstances than others. We will also display broken parts. Complementary pizza, wings and refreshments will be served.



Don’t miss the food, fun and camaraderie at Schattenbaum’s always popular Fall social event, the Annual Oktoberfest.
5:30 PM Sunday October 14 2018
at Sebastian's Schnitzelhaus!

Dinner will be served family style with a selection of authentic German entrées to choose from, plus dessert.

The Club will provide German beer. If you prefer wine with your meal please feel free to BYO.

Price: $26.00 per person

To reserve your spot, just click on the Paypal link below and make your payment. Payment must be received before October 16th.

Sorry, reservations via phone or email cannot be accepted.

For more information contact Claudia Debusmann 609-714-9049 or


Tour to 356 Registry’s 2018 East Coast Holiday at OCNJ

Tour to 356 Registry's 2018 East Coast Holiday at OCNJ

Concours d’Elegance Viewing of the Porsche 356 Registry East Coast Holiday on the Ocean City Boardwalk.
Schattenbaum members will tour to the event October 20, 2018.

Tour details:

Start Time: Saturday, Oct. 20, 8 am
Location: Woodcrest Shopping Center
1400 Haddonfield-Berlin Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(close to Exit 32 if you take I-295)

Contact for more information.

See event details at the 356 Registry website:

An Evening with Hurley Haywood

An Evening With Hurley Haywood

The Simeone Museum presents "An Evening With Hurley Haywood" and book signing with Co-Author Sean Cridland.

Schattenbaum is partnering with Simeone for a private room and Buffet dinner before the book signing. Click the register button below to confirm and pay for your ticket via Paypal. The book signing is a public event not run by Schattenbaum.

Cost: PCA member/guest $32  Buffet Dinner, Beer/Wine, Simeone entrance fee included

When: October 26th @ 5:45pm dinner served -  Book signing at 7:00pm

Where: Simeone Museum Philadelphia


Monthly Meeting November

Our November Monthly Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 14, 2018. 

Our always-popular Digital Slide night is a great time for Club members to show off the photos they’ve taken throughout the year. Come to the November meeting and share your favorite 12 photos. Categories are Porsches at Rest, Porsches in Motion, Pieces of Porsches, Digitally Enhanced Photos and Photo Excellence (non-car themed photos).

We’ll have some good  prizes for the top 2 winners in each category.

Please bring pics on a USB flash drive.

Above: Lightning Strikes by Byron Veale (July 2018)

Tour to the Schattenbaum Showdown


Join us for a tour to the Annual Schattenbaum Club Race - The Schattenbaum Showdown!

Come on out and see some exciting racing and get close up to the action. We will have some parade laps around the track beginning around 5:00 pm, so you can get a chance to drive your car around the track (below 50 MPH) and get a feel for what the race car drivers experience with all the elevations and may even get the itch to join the next DE!