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October 18, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
America/New York Timezone
Valenzano Winery
1090 US-206
Shamong, NJ 08088
1090 US-206
Shamong, NJ 08088
Calling all amateur photographers out there! Join us for one of our most popular meetings of the year. Come to our October meeting to share your best digital photographs with your fellow Club members. Wow the crowd with beautiful images of classic old Porsche’s or dramatic racing-action shots but be ready for some good-natured wise-cracks too. Compete with your fellow club members for prizes! Each entrant is limited to 12 entries, which should be e mailed to our VP, Bob Stine at They will be loaded onto a laptop for projection. Our panel of judges will select 1st and 2nd place winners in these categories:•Porsches in Motion•Porsches at Rest•Pieces of Porsches•Digitally Enhanced Photos•General Photographic Excellence (any subject)The top photograph, which must be Porsche-themed, will be awarded the Grand Prize Winner and will be featured on the cover of the next issue of our newsletter Schatten Rappen’.Food and drink will be provided by the club.I look forward to seeing you all there!