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2025 DE and Club Race Dates

2025 DE and Club Race Dates

DateDaysEventTrackRegistration Link
March 22-23Sat/SunDrivers EdThunderboltRegister
May 10SatDrivers EdThunderboltRegister
July 17-18Thurs/FriDrivers EdThunderbolt/LightningRegister
August 8-10Fri-SunDrivers EdThunderboltRegister
August 8-10Fri-SunClub RaceThunderboltRegister
October 3-5Fri-SunDrivers EdThunderboltRegister
November 1-2Sat/SunDrivers EdThunderboltRegister

Click here for tech inspection form and additional info

January 2025 Schattenbaum Member Meeting

January 2025 Schattenbaum Member Meeting

New Members and Planning Meeting

Our first member meeting of the year was on January 16 at the main facility at Valenzano Winery. In spite of the snowy weather, we had a great turnout, including a dozen new members to the region.

In addition to welcoming new members, this meeting introduced the incoming Schattenbaum Board and discussed plans for the upcoming year, including our Driver’s Education program, concours events, and social calendar.

Club President Bob Stine

Club President Bob Stine welcomed new members and
introduced the incoming Schattenbaum Board.
Schattenbaum Member Meeting

New Schattenbaum Board

In case you weren’t able to make it to the meeting, you can find a list of the Schattenbaum Board at pca.org.

Select the item “Region Officials” under the “CONTACT” menu near the top of the main PCA web page.

Club Vice President John Beidler

Club Vice President John Beidler described plans for
upcoming member meetings.


Plans for the Year

Board member Mike Bono (right) described the PCA Driver education program. More details and a schedule for the year are posted on-line at scattenbaum.org.

Board members Eduard Hanekom and Claudia Debusmann invited members to be on the lookout for upcoming concours and social events.


Good Food

Members enjoyed the food and hospitality. Judging from the bill, a few sampled wine too!



Our next meeting will be on February 20, also at Valenzano Winery. Hope to see you there.

Thanks to Bob Helm for the pictures from the meeting.

Schattenbaum Summer Tour

Schattenbaum Summer Tour: the Lobster Run

Our annual favorite, the Lobster Run, was another success! The event sold out, and this year, thanks to Rob and Kim Lerman, we had two tour groups again.

The south group was rather large, but we all arrived at Bar Anticipation in time for a delicious lunch! A massive downpour close to the shore didn’t dampen our spirits and once at the restaurant, guests enjoyed a drink on the club with their choice of entrees and a good time was had by all!

If you missed this fun event, it will be held again next year, make sure to sign up early. Thanks to all who participated, it’s the people that make our social events fun and entertaining!

Our next social will be the annual Oktoberfest, details will follow. And don’t miss out on the “big” one, the Holiday Banquet on December 2nd, a great way to close out a year that was filled with many great activities, hope to see you all soon!

Meet our Drivers Ed Registrar

Meet our Drivers Ed Registrar Jon Schepps

Jon has been a PCA member since 1991 and has served in several Schattenbaum executive board positions over the years. He is currently the track registrar, responsible for maintaining the online registration process for all our Drivers Education events.

Holiday Party

Join us for the Annual Holiday Banquet$85/person – Sign Up Below!

There will be an open bar, hors d’oeuvres, DJ, and a delicious buffet.

Questions? Contact Claudia Debusmann at

pcdebusmann@comcast.net or 732-718-6498

Schattenbaum Lobster Run
List Names and Meal Option for each person:
Tom Stolz wears a wry smile while suited up behind the wheel of his Monster Spec Boxster

Meet our Treasurer

Meet our Treasurer Tom Stolz

I became a member with PCA Schattenbaum in 2015, when a Club member invited me down to a DE. I thought it looked like a blast, driving around the track as fast as I could, with no police and radar traps…what could be better?! 

Not really certain where my love for Porsches began, but after graduating from college in 1977, and getting my first full time job with a public accounting firm, I bought my first day driver, a 1976 BMW 2002. Soon after, I bought a 1976 911S with a credit card, as my sunny day car. I drove that thing all over America, from Key West, to LA, to San Fran and Yosemite, to Oregon, and back. Marriage, kids, and becoming a CPA in 1982 was a “fun car” detour, until 2014 when a Club member suggested it was time for a fun car again, a Carrera S. Everyone in the group at the track warned me of the slippery slope, that became a spec Boxster and trailer, and a Macan. Then I circled back around to using a single car, a 2007 Cayman S.

The common thread through this journey has been working as a practicing CPA, and having an accounting office in Flemington for years, so I thought I would like to be helpful and give back a bit, with a stint as Schattenbaum treasurer. As a member, its all about paying this fun forward and keeping the spirit alive, so I’m happy to join in and help.  

Fall Tour 2023 10/22/23

Fall Tour 2023 MOVED TO 10/22/23

Since mother nature is messing with us once again and calling for rain this Saturday, we have decided to push the fall tour by one day to Sunday, the 22nd. For those attending Oktoberfest later in the day, you will have plenty of time in between events as the tour will conclude by 12:00 noon.